Friday, May 1, 2009

KY Monument Is at Vicksburg!

The Kentucky monument arrived at the National Military Park at Vicksburg this morning (30 April 2009) at approximately 7:00 a.m. At approximately 5:00 p.m., I received near simultaneous notification form Bazz Childress (who was on the phone with the contractor), Fred Wilhite (who was on the phone with the maintenance supervisor at the Park) and Terry Winschel (who is in charge of the whole project at the Park) that it was complete.  Photos will follow, as available.
This, as you all know, has been in the works for the better part of a decade.  Fundraising, design, changes in design, quarrying, cutting, text approval, bronze casting, and a hundred other details have all taken their own good time to reach this point, but we can each now proudly say "It's done!"
Your Commander and Division staff will begin work immediately to plan an appropriate dedication ceremony.  Look for it in the Fall or early next Spring.  There are politics to deal with, as well as personnel changes here and there, a major road resurfacing project to be done, and without a doubt a dozen or more other roadblocks to overcome.  They will be miniscule.  The stone is there, it's assembled, and we're told it's beautiful. 
Gentlemen, make no mistake: this is YOUR project.  Thank you for your work, your patience, and your ongoing willingness to persevere and make it happen.  Camp Commanders and Adjutants, please relay this message as widely as you possibly can within the Kentucky Division.

Thomas Y. Hiter
The Kentucky Division

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